Monday, September 12, 2005

No Delay

Okay, I'm continuing on my political rant.
Apparently, Tom Delay went to visit some of the Katrina victims in the Houston Astrodome and he was overheard telling some kids, "Isn't this fun? It's kind of like camping!" And the kids looked at him in this confused way and just nodded their heads.
Gee, isn't this fun? We lost everything in the flood, we have missing relatives and friends, we have no place to live, and we have no future. This is fun. Thanks, Mister Delay.
And you wonder why there are race relation problems in this country.

Oh, and more good stuff. Apparently when Laura Bush went to visit, she handed out one plate of food which an assistant handed to her, for a photo op and then promptly went away. This follows on the heels of Barbara Bush saying how these victims were under-privelaged anyway and that living in the Astrodome was really kind of a step up...

The loving arms of America embraces all of its citizens. You can tell they care because they gave all the victims $2000 debit cards which they couldn't get because they had to prove their residency in the affected areas which all washed away in the flood. Oh, they took away the debit card program yesterday. Though, apparently, they can still get $2000 deposited directly into their bank accounts, many of which don't have bank accounts.


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