The Fall and Decline of US Auto
So I'm looking at Popular Science today and I notice an ad for the new Dodge Charger. Their slogan is "The Charger Hybrid- It burns gas and rubber..." It made me want to strangle all of the American auto companies. It is the same shortsightedness that led to the first decline of US auto in the late 70's, during the oil crisis when we were at odds with Iran and people were waiting in lines around the block to buy gasoline. Back then the Japanese began selling millions of their fuel efficient subcompact cars while arrogant American car companies kept pushing their V8 gas guzzling luxury and muscle cars to a public that was forced to become interested in fuel economy. Fast forward to the present when our gas prices have puntured the $3 per gallon hymen, finally joining the rest of the world, and the US auto response is a slightly smaller Humvee and a new gas guzzling knock-off of a faded American cultural icon with a flippant slogan mocking forward thinking hybrid-vehicles! Good luck GM, Ford, and all you other knuckleheads. Thank goodness Haliburton sold oil to the Iraqis as part of their reparation plan. You know how oil-poor Iraq is.
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