Thursday, August 18, 2005


It is 3am. I should be sleeping. I am bothered so I ate garbage late when I got home from wherever I was. Literally. I poked through my neighbor's trashbins and found what looked to be a slice of pizza, but it had the flavor of latex and the texture of a toupee. I have no idea what I put in my mouth.
Sometimes you can't always get what you want. Mick was right. How did he become so wise? Was it the drugs or the women? Or was it Bowie?
I enjoy the contact of skin. Is that so weird? But not everyone's skin, so, please, I don't want everyone running to volunteer. I sometimes think I've got being inhuman down, but then I have slippages and I'm not so sure I can be an alien or a robot. Maybe an alien robot. Or a fembot. Or a clambot. That's a reference to Clamato. What horrible genetic experiment went wrong there? And is that similar to a Winnebago? What about the Orangina? I'm tired. If you can comment on this entry, congratulations--you are more bored than me...


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