Friday, November 04, 2005

Scooter is a Pervert

Not really. Scooter Libby apparently wrote a novel a while ago that has a lot of deviant sexual imagery in it, which would be no big deal except that he represents the neo-cons which just makes him a big ol' hypocrit. How surprising is that?
This comes from

In this week's New Yorker, Lauren Collins alerted us to the diverse sexual content of Lewis "Scooter" Libby's 1996 novel The Apprentice. Today, to further edify the American public, Nerve brings you some longer excerpts.
The book is about a young Japanese man who runs a remote mountain inn and becomes embroiled in a world of intrigue. "A world of intrigue," in this case, involves:
  • a scene of incest between two uncles and their niece;
  • a hunter asking his companions if they should fuck a freshly killed deer while it's still warm;
  • the description of a prepubescent girl's painted "mound" and pleasing lack of vaginal odor;
  • a story about a girl who's kept in a cage and raped by a bear to train her to become a prostitute.
Thanks, Scooter, for reminding us — once again — about the healthy sexual psychology that lurks within the political party of "family values," abstinence-only education, restricted reproductive rights and opposition to same-sex marriage!


Blogger Aurora F. said...

In the New Yorker this week, they have an article about his creepy book, but also point out that: Libby has a lot to live up to as a conservative author of erotic fiction. As an article in SPY magazine pointed out in 1988, from Safire (“[She] finally came to him in the bed and shouted ‘Arragghrrorwr!’ in his ear, bit his neck, plunged her head between his legs and devoured him”) to Buckley (“I’d rather do this with you than play cards”) to Liddy (“T’sa Li froze, her lips still enclosing Rand’s glans . . .”) to Ehrlichman (“ ‘It felt like a little tongue’ ”) to O’Reilly (“Okay, Shannon Michaels, off with those pants”), extracurricular creative writing has long been an outlet for ideas that might not fly at, say, the National Prayer Breakfast. In one of Lynne Cheney’s books, a Republican vice-president dies of a heart attack while having sex with his mistress.

You can read the article here:

Saturday, November 05, 2005 10:05:00 AM  

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