Friends from way back when...

I just got a call from an old high school friend. I know many of you who might read this blog are not that far removed from high school, but I tried very hard to bury my high school associations very quickly. I managed to make them go away almost as soon as I walked across the stage in my sexy polyester cap and gown. Not that I didn't enjoy myself on many levels, but the petty, catty, moronic drama stopped being interesting and I ran to college hoping that most of my high school years were in my rear view mirror.
So I get this phone call. It's a person who was a friend from way back in 8th grade and we ended up having a falling out in high school--mostly for the petty shit that I hated. She calls and I have nothing really to say. I have no real questions for her. Just the usual, oh, marriage? Kids? Work? It's so not interesting. It's not like she went on to be a ninja or worked in a whore house or drowned her 24 children in a kiddie pool. I'm not saying one can't have an ordinary life, but other than distant history, I'm not that interested really. So did you really let so and so feel you up after the football game against Franklin? I just don't care. I know that sounds mean, but let's cut to the chase.
But see, the clincher is--as we're having a discussion about keeping in touch with school friends--she tells me that she just recently cut off ties with her college friends...because they were "back-stabbers." This is a term I have not heard or used since the 11th grade. I don't need to go back there. I can imagine the dialogue now--"that bitch looked at my boyfriend" "he's so cute, I'm going to ask him to Homocoming" "I will pour gasoline down that bitches throat and set her on fire!" etc.etc.etc.
On the plus side, she did wake me up. Oh, that's not really a plus.
Oh and, dear high school friend, if you happen to read this, it's not about you. It's about someone else you hated in high school. You know which skanky bitch I'm talking about...
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