Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Gram Ponante

This is from a smart porn writer/journalist/blogger, Gram Ponante. I'm a sucker for any reference to Schroedinger's cat.
I thought this was pretty funny...
Undoctored, this is a pretty clinical picture of our pal Autumn Bliss in Legend's Steve Holmes' P.O.V. Sluts. With our 2257-enhanced Photoshop magic, Bliss' parts become a Schroedinger's box of possibilities (welcome ADT posters); anything might be inside.
Einstein Starfish Waltz

The night is filled with barnacles and phosphorescent jellies that dream ghost-dreams
Adrift in the amber filled wonderland
We sink and sink
Beneath waves of forgetting
Forgetting forgetting,
Reach for the starfish
Starfish inverted-bellies digest on the outside,
Cheap suit, glass-cutter jaws
We are swimming uncertain;
Chumming, humming, thrumming
Fingers over life-lines
And love-lines,
The palm reader is deep in the fluorescent light of the midway
A drunken step from the deep blue sea,
A shuffle step from eternity.
The mighty have fallen,
Lumberjack swings, axe-split,
Lickety split,
Into the soft embrace of the tender arms of yesterday.
Because you are not there,
I cannot hear me fall,
Because you are not there,
I fall and I hear you are not there.
The forest makes no noise,
Because its shrill laughter has made you deaf.
The sky is a compost.
The dust of the Big Bang is rotten.
What did you expect? Some sexy miracle?
Songbirds fill the air with their goddamn tweet tweets and stupid trills and whistles,
Because, you know why?
They have tiny bird-brains.
Crows shall inherit the earth,
Because they know better and they will feed on our decaying corpses while we pat ourselves on our backs
For our clever music and our clever words and our clever pictures and our clever flying machines.
And our clever cleavers and meat-grinders and brass knuckles and our gun-powder--
Our fucking gun-powder…
Caw! Caw!
At the center of the universe is a giant black hole, they say.
And in that black hole, there is a fabulous dance,
The kind of dance in which feet stomp and hands clap,
Hips sway, and pretty girls sashay,
The boys blush like little faggots,
And the girls curse and shout and smoke and spit.
Ah, those pretty girls--
I suppose they’ll get theirs too,
But you never know.
As for me, I’m done for.
Come get me black hole,
Get me if you can,
But I swear, if you do,
I’ll kick your ass,
Relativity, you know.
Roland Seto
October 30 1:55am, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Rove must go down

So they got Scooter. They got him good. I knew they were going to throw him to the wolves. But they've got to take down Rove. That fat little fuck must go away. He's like a more evil mix between Rush Limbaugh and the evil villain in Raiders of the Lost Ark that gets the medallion burned into his hand. That little sneer of Roves will look sweet in the pen.
Sorry this is such an un-analytical post. Analysis might come later.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Rant about Rent

So I' think I'm delirious because I'm tired and it's late, but I just got a horrible pop-up ad for "Rent" the lame-ass musical, much famed for saving Doogie Howser's career (though, he was brilliant in Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle). This was in middle of my MySpace experience. Smack dab in middle of the screen. Why? How timely is this? Didn't Rent come out 8 years ago? And it sucked then. Please make them stop this. Soon there will Starlite Express ads coming out my ass. Then what? Where will this end?
Sunday, October 23, 2005
My Favorite Email exchange with FEMA
I don't know if everyone has heard or seen this, but I think it's fascinating to see the results of the croneyism of the Bush Administration. The fact that the American public hasn't strung these bastards up by their huevos already is a testament to the misdirected energies of the media and the apathy of the public. In the past, these were words that would have inspired revolution...
And what is it with the fucked up spelling of Browny's press secretary? Is she illiterate?
Excerpts from e-mails among Federal Emergency Management officials during Hurricane Katrina:
•Marty Bahamonde, a FEMA official, to FEMA Director Michael Brown, Aug. 31, 11:20 a.m.
"Sir, I know that you know the situation is past critical. Here [are] some things you might not know. Hotels are kicking people out, thousands gathering in the streets with no food or water. Hundreds still being rescued from homes. The dying patients at the DMAT tent being medivac[ed]. Estimates are many will die within hours. We are out of food and running out of water at the dome, plans in works to address the critical need."
•Sharon Worthy, Mr. Brown's press secretary, to Cindy Taylor, FEMA deputy director of public affairs, and others, Aug. 31, 2 p.m.
"Also, it is very important that time is allowed for Mr. Brown to eat dinner. Gievn (sic) that Baton Rouge is back to normal, restaurants are getting busy. He needs much more that (sic) 20 or 30 minutes. We now have traffic to encounter to get to and from a location of his choise (sic), followed by wait service from the restaurant staff, eating, etc.
•Mr. Bahamonde to Ms. Taylor and Michael Widomski, public affairs, Aug. 31, 2:44 p.m.
"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! ... Just tell her that I just ate an MRE [meal ready to eat] and crapped in the hallway of the Superdome along with 30,000 other close friends so I understand her concern about busy restaurants."
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Friends who hate one another...
So my new hobby is watching people in public places who really hate each other. I think it is fascinating. I was at Heirloom Bakery today having a little breakfast. I entertained myself by watching these two suburban women (old friends) snarking and sniping at each other in these passive agressive ways. "I refuse for you to pay for a meal at a restaurant whose food I hate!" Translation: You have shitty taste in restaurants.
They went on for a while, not really giving a shit about what the other was saying. I was annoyed and amused.
One of them also went on to recount the evening when a police helicopter was circling her neighborhood (ala Boyz in the Hood). She had to call the cops to find out what was going on. She was annoyed that it was making so much noise. "Um. Excuse me. Could you please turn down your helicopter? Yes, it's distracting me from my episode of The Apprentice."
I hate people.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Fingerboredom opening

So Friday was the opening of the group show at the Armory NW. It was a great success. I had incredible representation, thanks in great part to ease of location. The park is being destroyed by the kids already. I had twelve boards and there are only 2 that aren't broken. Oh well. It was incredible fun. I wish people who should've been there would've been there. One day.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Friendship is a weird ass thing. There are people I like. There are people I love. Things have gotten so complicated now. I just want people who know what I'm talking about to know that I love them and like them. No matter what. I try to be strong for people I love, but it's not always easy. I feel like people are abandoning me as if I was a burning building or a resident of New Orleans (rimshot please). Why can't it be simple? We don't always have people who really love us in our lives and when there is someone who does, we work so hard to keep them away. I think I've given up trying. For my own sanity and happiness. I think it wise to take a zen approach now. If and when people are ready to come back and really be a friend, who are really ready to share their lives with me, they will. And if they don't, I'll be sad, but I'll be healthy at least. It's hard not to feel as if I've done something terribly wrong. I think my biggest sin is getting panicky and impatient and frustrated. I'm sorry if that's what I've done. I'm trying to be better at it, but I guess I have some needs too and I can't always control the frustration. I need someone who knows me to be around for me to at least rest my enormous head on their shoulder for a second. I've always had to be strong for myself and for everyone else. And I can't be strong forever and ever. And I know people don't ask that of me, but I feel an obligation. I'm trying to correct that. I do love myself. I love other people a lot too, but I do love myself. Reluctantly. Please, those that I love, please come back to me some day. Please don't destroy yourself or the bonds that we share permanently. I'm talking about real friendship and caring. It's at the core of what matters most. Whatever bullshit that is floating around--that is secondary. I really do have all the caring in the world for my closest friends, but I can't--I won't stand in the rain by myself forever. And I would hope and think that you feel a little of love and caring for me in return. Doesn't anyone miss me? Sometimes it feels as if y'all don't even care about me. I know you do, but I need to see evidence of it once in a while. I'm not asking for your soul. Okay maybe I am. I forget. I am the Antsy Devil, aren't I? Oh my, I think I'm babbling to myself now. Anyway, I miss people. I miss the relationships I've formed over the years and I know things can seem complicated, but it doesn't have to be. Take care all.
Oh by the way, the image is a Bas Jan Ader piece. I love Bas too. I hope if he is secretly alive that he contacts me. Hello Bas. I love you. Your secret is safe with me...
Monday, October 03, 2005

Okay, some good friends took me to Shiro in South Pasadena for dinner for my birthday. It's French Japanese. Shiro is always at the stove, that's why the food is always good. Shiro has the reputation for the best catfish dish on the planet. In fact, people order it so often, he's actually sick of doing it. He tried taking it off the menu once and brought it back almost immediately because of the protests. The catfish, I must report, is really that good. I don't even like catfish that much, but his version is crazy crazy good. The fish has slits cut into it and thin slices of ginger is slipped into the incisions. Then it is lightly floured and fried to a perfect crisp. It's a big fish. Maybe four pound. The meat is perfectly light and crunchy on the outside and the flesh inside is perfectly tender and moist, redolent of carmelized ginger. There is a light ponzu soy sauce and fresh cilantro on top. It smells roughly like great southern fried chicken. It is so good, I don't know why it took me so long to try it. There is none of that muddy mushy taste that catfish sometimes has. Shiro's catfish is an elevated culinary experience. Simple and perfect. The service is wonderful. Other food there is also great, but the catfish really is transcendent.
Oh, other good eats right now...Europane has a couple of great new items. First is the cranberry/currant bread. It is cooked in a round cake pan. A solid wedge of the bread is chewy like Sumi's ciabbata, and there is a light crispiness on the outside. Each wedge must contain a cup or two of cranberry and currant. It's tart, moist chewy and satisfying. Also great is the almond cake. It's a low thing, only about 3/4 to an inch thick. The cake part is like a lightly sweet bread. The topping is slivered almonds, a little granulated sugar and a syrupy orange water scented glaze. The combination is remarkable--nutty, crunchy, floral, sticky, chewy. The complexity catches you off guard just a little bit and it's not super sweet and goes perfectly with green tea.
And lastly, Sumi, who attended a big bread making conference in San Francisco recently, as if her bread wasn't already great, has come back with something new. It's a farmer's loaf. It is a loaf full of nutty grains. It is so hearty and dense--it's almost meaty. It would be an incredible sandwich bread. Rare roast beef, turkey, even a rustic pate would all be a lovely complement to this muscular bread. Oh, lamb would be lights out. The big flavor of the bread would hold up to any of the grassiness of the lamb. With a little arugula and a coarse mustard...oh my.