Wednesday, November 30, 2005



Monday, November 28, 2005

Taco Truck Salvation by the Side of the Road

It always starts this way
Under flourescent lights and roadside burritos.
We crumble as we talk,
Brittle salty cheese--

So sticky between the heat of our fingertips,

The pressure turns our cuticles purple

Chili-hot, oregano-sharp, God-blissed.

Our hands, sizzled-meat-stained paws, clasped together--

The church, the steeple...

The smell of carne and cilantro and exhaust fumes

We gather here today

Because we lack sleep and the night brings us no comfort.

We see the possibilities before us,

Road signs

Taco trucks



Knife fights

Conquistadors and quesadillas

Melted, delicious, and full of God.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Fucked Up Addicted Motherfuckers

So I don't know how it happened. Everyone around me is fucked up and drunk and/or crazy. People are making fucked up decisions and behaving like fucking fucked up fuckity fucks. It's taking it's toll on me and I don't even really drink. And I'm not claiming that I've got my shit together. Not at all. In fact, I'm pretty low myself. But maybe in my sobriety and my distance--I'm good at creating a lot of distance between me and other humans--I see people making stupid decisions and behaving stupidly and heading nowhere good. I know people need to figure things out. So do I. Drinking doesn't seem to help. Bad decisions don't seem to help. Youth doesn't seem to help. Sadly for me, age doesn't seem to help except to make me weary. I care about and love many of these people. They will fuck themselves up and I'll watch and it will make me sadder. Words don't help. Words, they are just roadmaps back to the past.

Friday, November 25, 2005

RIP Mr. Miyagi

AKA Arnold, Pat Morita passed today...

Is Ralph Macchio next?

Thursday, November 24, 2005

I am thankful for FIRE!

Caution when deep frying your turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving to all...whatever...

Monday, November 07, 2005

A Public Service Announcement

Billboards are wise...

The Unbearable Lightness of Feet

I keep thinking I have grotesque gargoyle like feet, but when I take a picture of them, they do not horrify like I think they ought too. I suppose I think they should look horrific because they cause me so much pain and grief, but they still look okay. It's my fault. I haven't been kind to them. Be kind to your feet folks. Really.

Friday, November 04, 2005


I have to admit, these are pretty cool costumes, in spite of the movie being way over-rated...

Scooter is a Pervert

Not really. Scooter Libby apparently wrote a novel a while ago that has a lot of deviant sexual imagery in it, which would be no big deal except that he represents the neo-cons which just makes him a big ol' hypocrit. How surprising is that?
This comes from

In this week's New Yorker, Lauren Collins alerted us to the diverse sexual content of Lewis "Scooter" Libby's 1996 novel The Apprentice. Today, to further edify the American public, Nerve brings you some longer excerpts.
The book is about a young Japanese man who runs a remote mountain inn and becomes embroiled in a world of intrigue. "A world of intrigue," in this case, involves:
  • a scene of incest between two uncles and their niece;
  • a hunter asking his companions if they should fuck a freshly killed deer while it's still warm;
  • the description of a prepubescent girl's painted "mound" and pleasing lack of vaginal odor;
  • a story about a girl who's kept in a cage and raped by a bear to train her to become a prostitute.
Thanks, Scooter, for reminding us — once again — about the healthy sexual psychology that lurks within the political party of "family values," abstinence-only education, restricted reproductive rights and opposition to same-sex marriage!